The BBC College Missions team, currently on site at Camp Tipton in Maryville, TN, has become more and more thankful for God's provision as the week has progressed. The team consists of 10 members; Brianna Williams, Samantha Waters, Brooke Rinehart, Lynn Price, Ben Lawson, Parker Oakley, Clarence Price, Brian Messer, Trey Ebert and I. We have been serving alongside several other churches including another team of 7 from Biltmore which is led by NAMB missionaries Randy and Ronda Corn.
Our team’s impact is geared towards three different ministry tracks: Servant Evangelism (Lynn, Brianna, Clarence, & I), Children’s Outreach (Samantha, Brooke, & Ben) and Home Repair (Brian, Trey, & Parker).
Team members who are serving within the Home repair track have reported much progress throughout the week. They have been assigned the task of tearing out and replacing the floor of an elderly couple’s home. According to Brian, the group has endured “persecution” all week via local clans of mosquitos. Trey mentioned that he was able to share his testimony with the woman whose home they are working on. She says that she knows the Lord and was encouraged by his stand. Please pray continued strength over Trey, Parker, and Brian. The work they are doing is very tiring. This couple is extremely thankful for the assistance!
According to Brooke, Samantha, and Ben, the Children’s outreach track is not for the limp-wristed or faint of heart. The situations that these kids come to camp with are precisely why we are learning to never take our blessings for granted. The days are long and hot, yet entirely fulfilling. Apparently the kids are having a blast! Brooke, mentioned that there was one point when “27,” that’s right, 27 kids (sarcasm intended) were attached to her in some way shape or form wanting to play (It’s amazing how quickly they trust and show love). Fortunately, she made it out alive with a smile on her face! I am confident that the lessons God is teaching, and the images God is showing each individual in this ministry track will never be erased. Pray that members of our team serving in this area would finish the week strong and that the Lord would renew their enthusiasm each and every day considering that they are constantly interacting with energetic kids from 7 AM to 5PM in 95+ degree weather. Bottom line is this; the Children’s ministry track is no joke and our team has worked diligently all week!
I chose the Servant Evangelism track hoping to share the Gospel on a personal level with those we interact with. On Monday morning we went to “The Dragon’s Tail,” a US Highway that meanders through the heart of the Appalachian Mountains in TN. The Dragon boasts of 318 curves over the span of 11 miles and is a tourist attraction for bikers across the country. Though the Dragon is considered by those who tour it to be a joyride, it has also proven to be an extremely fatal course of transportation. At the foot of the route stands a monument known as the “Tree of shame.” Partial remains of motorcycles whose drivers took a turn for the worst can be seen dangling from the tree. The purpose of the tree is to serve as a warning sign that those who tour The Dragon are not invincible. This inconvenient truth proved to be a sobering reminder that no one is promised tomorrow and therefore, served as an effective transition towards conversations about eternity. We were blessed with opportunities to share Christ with several of the bikers we met at the pull off point where our team handed out water and gift bags. Glory to God, seeds were planted. Though this method of outreach is entirely unconventional, it is desperately needed. Please pray for future groups as well as sent out by Camp Tipton who will be dialoguing with these bikers about the Gospel. A great prayer need for Brianna, Lynn, Clarence and I is simple; that God would give us boldness, wisdom, and a spirit of love as we look to evangelize those we meet the rest of the week.
We are scheduled to return to Biltmore this Saturday at noon.
Our prayer going into the week was that people would hear, believe, and proclaim the Gospel. We are having a blast serving others and investing in the Kingdom this week. Camp Tipton has served as a force multiplier for our team to open a door for God to move in amazing ways. We are entirely grateful…
Romans 10:14-16 – “How then can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good news!”